Menstrual cramps, almost all women experience them during their lives. It is therefore good to know the causes of these pains and how to get rid of them quickly and effectively, and when to be vigilant.
Menstrual cramps may be described by some young girls and women as a common pain they experience before menstruation or in the first few days of bleeding. For many, it is a monthly routine, for others, an exceptional affair. Painful menstruation, professionally called dysmenorrhea, most often affects young girls who are starting to menstruate. Often, this problem improves with age or after the birth of a child.
However, this is not the case for all women. A woman's menstrual cycle changes about every 7 years, as do her cravings, for example. As a result, menstruation can adapt or, on the contrary, worsen. These pains are characterized by a dull, throbbing ache or cramps in the lower abdomen, which can also radiate to the lower back. These cramps and pains are unique to each woman and can vary from month to month depending on hormonal levels. Primary dysmenorrhea is not a symptom of a disease because it is part of a regular cycle and ovulation. Secondary dysmenorrhea is also associated with another medical complication such as endometriosis, a condition in which parts of the uterine lining protrude from the uterus. In either case, the Rilie device can help, giving you the relief you need and quickly when you need it most.
Dysregulated hormones - so-called dysmenorrhea
Several causes can be at the origin. The most common are increased uterine activity, caused by prostaglandins, substances that increase contractions of the uterine muscles, and the hormone vasopressin, which affects blood vessels and can cause pain due to the absence of blood in the tissues of the uterus. Doctors refer to this condition as primary dysmenorrhea. In most cases, this diagnosis does not lead to serious health complications and there is no need to worry. What's different, however, is how dysmenorrhea can disrupt a woman's plans, personal life, and comfort during menstruation. We know how uncomfortable and painful it can be, which is why we would like to present you with an option to not experience this misery every month and how to avoid unwanted side effects.